Spirit Message of the Day – Awaken the Feminine Self

“The Grail appears before you and you are called to the Quest. The Grail is the lost Feminine and the appearance of this card signals a shift in values and perspectives. The time has come to validate, celebrate, and sing the Feminine. It is time to choose to focus on the right-brained or more Feminine values of nurturing, relating, creating, and spirituality, as opposed to the left-brained or more male-identified values of logic, analysis, and scientific proof.”

“An important way the Feminine will be restored to its rightful place of honor and equality is through women reclaiming their Feminine selves, then treating themselves and all that is embodied by the Feminine with reverence. Since the outer world follows what is created on the inner planes, once women validate the Feminine consciously in their thoughts and deeds, then the material world will follow suit.”

“Does your Feminine self seem a mystery to you? Time to explore her! Are you locked into being “the best man for the job” in order to be competitive in the male-dominated work place? Time to change! Do you live in your own personal Wasteland- a life that is sterile and spare, depressing and discordant, unfulfilling, and unfulfilled? Time to make the Feminine a priority in your life! Are you tired of having your gender thrown in your face: being considered second best or of no value at all; always having to prove yourself, forced into lower paying jobs of less import and stature, kept outside and apart by the ‘good old boys club’? Time to take your power back by becoming a victim-free-zone.”

“Perhaps you are not sure what the Feminine is and what meaning it could have for your life. Time for discovery! If you are a woman, the Feminine is your place of power. If you are a man it is the doorway into your spirituality. For both, a deeper connection and more attention are needed now to green and grow your life magnificantly.”

Today’s message is from Oracle of the Grail Code by Amy Sophia Marashinsky.

Spirit Message of the Day – Goddess Day 2010

In honor of celebrating the Goddess within us all on Mother’s Day this year – I’ve pulled three Goddess cards from The Oracle of the Goddess by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber to represent three distinct aspects of self: Your Head, Your Heart, Your Home.

“My Head is ready to receive
new ways to think and to believe.
My thoughts are deeds;
their powers great.
My mind will help me rule my fate.
My Heart will fill with feelings true
that will my weary heart renew.
Emotion’s waves,
they ebb and flow,
but I avoid their under-tow.
My Home is here. I feel secure.
This space is now a Temple pure
where I can safely speak my mind
and leave my hurt and fear behind.
It’s time to let my head and heart
align to bring me Cupid’s dart
or any other goal I seek.
It’s time to hear the Goddess speak.” 

“Think Affectionately. Feel Capable. Make Big Changes.”

“The Head card represents the purely mental qualities attributed to the Goddess selected which can help you identify how to obtain the relationship or goal you desire. This part of the answer helps you look into your own head to gain perspective on the thought processes and attitudes that can affect the matter in question.”

“The Heart card represents the purely emotional qualities attributed to the Goddess selected which offer gentle guidance for successfully dealing with the emotional aspects of the attainment of your goal. This part of your answer can also help in identifying your true feelings.”

“The Home card represents the type of physical actions associated with the Goddess selected and reminds you that emulating those actions can help in attaining your goal. The word ‘home’ here refers to the body, the temple where the Head and the Heart dwell.”

“Love, laugh and enjoy the moment. Enjoy all forms of creativity. Don’t worry. Be charming and gay. Take a vacation from logic and worry. Believe what you are hearing. Enjoy the ecstasy that emanates from the meeting of two lovers. An existing relationship must renew this heady excitement or it is in danger of failing. Heed the thoughts that are described in the Head card you have selected. By aligning yourself with these thoughts you can best enable your subconscious mind to create the reality you desire.”

“Believe in  your ability to handle anything you may encounter. Emotions must be analyzed to prevent misguided reactions to unfounded fears. The unknown is always with us and must be embraced if we would live a full life. Anxiety builds when we are desperate to know the outcome of plans and actions before they have reached fruition. Heed the feelings that are described in the Heart card you have selected. By aligning yourself with these emotions you can best face the reality of how much work attaining your goal will entail.”

“Face your fear of the unknown. Fundamental changes must take place as you progress towards the goal you desire. The process has already started. The present moment is your point of power. Use your power to change now. You cannot change another, but the envy of good results often provokes change in even the most rigid.”

“Goddess of Affection: Aphrodite means ‘risen from the sea foam’ and that is why the Greeks who worshiped her built many of her temples by the sea. In appearance she was the essence of feminine beauty with a graceful figure, a perfect face, and an amiable smile. A mistress of seductive conversation, she enjoyed arousing the passions of many of the Gods. Her interests strayed to mortal men as well, to whom she sometimes appeared as an earthly maiden. She was reputed to have a magic girdle which made all who saw her fall in love with her. Her Cupids were sent to Earth with their arrows to cause the joining of men and women; willing victims of the Goddess of Love and Affection.”

“Goddess of Discernment: Artemis was the very independent Goddess of the Moon and the odds, born of Zeus, the Greek God and Leto, an earlier Goddess of fertility. Her twin brother was Apollo, God of the Sun. Artemis wished for the freedom Apollo enjoyed. She asked Zeus for a bow and arrow and a short, masculine tunic so that she might pursue a life of hunting in the forest. In her Huntress aspect, she represented the Goddess as the Destroyer of Life. Artemis ruled a primeval, natural world of perfection unknown in the cities. She followed her own path and felt perfectly complete without a man. Her joy was to fall asleep without any worries under the stars, to excel physically and to seek her own destiny with all the ardor and the almost obsessively narrow focus of youth.”

“Goddess of Mysteries: Hekat was first worshipped in pre-dynastic Egypt where she was the symbol of the tribal matriarchal ruler. She came to be associated with women’s knowledge, the mysteries of childbirth and the magical side of life. In later years, she appeared in the myth of the Greek Goddess Demeter whom she accompanied in Demeter’s search for her daughter Persephone. The went to Helios, the Sun God, to ask where the child was hidden and were directed to the underworld realm where Hekat would later rule as Hecate. She was also referred to as Hecate Selene, another name for the Moon.”

Today’s special message is from The Oracle of the Goddess by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber.

Spirit Message of the Day – Remember What You Already Know

“Say positive affirmations each morning to open the gates of manifestation.”

“This card asks you to begin each day with positive intentions and affirmations. Before arising from your bed, spend a few moments thinking about your desires. Don’t worry about how to bring them into physical form. Just allow yourself to imagine that they’ve already manifested. Then, make one or more positive affirmations relating to your desires. When you open your eyes, write down these affirmations (it’s a good idea to keep a pad of paper and pen on your nightstand). During the day, look at the affirmations and say them mentally or verbally.”

Today’s message is from Magical Mermaids and Dolphins by Doreen Virtue.


  • I am able to express my emotions in a healthy, positive way.
  • I am moving in a positive direction towards my goals.
  • All that I want and desire is within me to achieve.
  • I have the time to exercise and see and feel my body has strength, poise and assurance.
  • I feel great as I live with the confidence to be myself and live by my own inner guidance and can interrelate to those around me, without sacrificing my own values, goals and purposeful direction.
  • I am everything I want to be.
  • Everyday is better than the next.
  • My life has purpose
  • I am in control of my choices and I like them.
  • All that life has to offer me is wonderful and it is my daily choice to enjoy that beauty.
  • There is abundance in the Universe and it is there to help me and I can use it.
  • No matter what the events of the day, the Universe is positive and will always be with me to help me through my choices, and struggles and acts as my inner guidance, direction and purpose and this is something I can always count on.
  • I have the courage to accept the things I cannot change, to make choices to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
  • There is no limit to what I can do today, to what I can be, to the attitude I can possess.
  • Today is the first day of rest of my life and I will take notice of the many positive things this day has to offer.

Spirit Message of the Day – An Abundant Love, Full of Joy!

“The foundation of a solid relationship is one of the joys of a happy life. In the beginning of love, lovers see the best, unflawed version of each other. They are focused on the intense emotion and exhilaration of being in love. As love matures, lovers see each other with their eyes open. They see the other’s strengths and weaknesses. They let each other’s strengths shine and grow and they provide help and guidance in areas of weakness. They stand in amazement to see how they really do fit together.”

“While in romantic love, we are sometimes worried about it ending, about falling out of love, or about becoming bored. However, as true love grows, it becomes more confident. Through the ups and downs of daily life, love becomes familiar and dependable, giving us strength. You get a twinkle in your eye as a smile is shared; your heart jumps when you catch an unexpected glimpse of your lover; a scent in the air brings back a memory, and your insides turn to jelly.”

“Two fairies stand confidently before each other, holding each other, as if promising eternal support. The sun shines on them, illuminating their world and each other. They can see each other clearly; nothing is hidden. Even knowing the other’s weaknesses or faults, they love each other more than ever. They stand on a bridge, showing how their relationship has joined two lives. The trees behind them form a heart, surrounding them in a deeply rooted love. The white flowers show the purity of their love that has stood the test of time. The glittering jewels on her dress represent the sparkle of passion that binds them still.”

“This love can only be the result of time. This is a love with roots that go deeply into the earth and branches that reach toward the sun, always seeking truth and opportunities to grow. This is a love that focuses on being the best partner you can –that allows you to be the best you can be and provides a safe place for you to grow. Is that where you are at? Is this where you want to be? If you are in a relationship that isn’t quite there yet, this card indicates that it is possible, but it may need a little attention and nurturing. If you are in a joyful relationship, you’ve been entrusted to take care of it and understand a love this grand doesn’t just happen.”

Today’s guidance is from Enchanted Oracle by Barbara Moore with art by Jessica Galbreth. 

Spirit Message of the Day – Time to Fly!

“Throughout our lives we play many roles. Sometimes there are rituals that mark our change from one to another, like graduation or marriage. Mostly, though, our changes go unmarked. But they still happen. Changes and transformations take place on many levels, some obvious and external, like starting a new job. Some are more internal, like shifts in our spiritual or psychological views.”

“Sometimes these personal transformations coincide with a dark time in our lives. the dark time may be in response to a loss of some sort. It could just as easily be a conscious withdrawing, kind of like putting yourself into a cocoon. It is an odd and intriguing mystery how so many miraculous changes take place in the dark, unseen by anyone, sometimes unseen even by the person experiencing them. And, even with consciously initiated transformation, you cannot always be sure what the final outcome will be.”

“The Gothic Rose sorceress knows all about transformations. She abides amongst black roses, symbols of the exquisite beauty of the mysterious growth that occurs in the darkest, most secret places. She holds a black orb, a seed of nothing and of everything. In it are all possibilities. Not until it has sprouted, grown, and bloomed will she know for certain what it will be. Her gloves are adorned with a slim crescent moon, because even though her arms plant the seeds, the outcome is still hidden. Her eyes have endless tears because she never forgets that during the miracle of new life, old life must be sacrificed. And so she mourns the loss of all life even as she creates new life. Above her is a stunning moth, a clear sign of the completed transformative process. As the moth emerges from the dark and closed cocoon, it spreads its wings and flies toward the light.”

“You are in some phase of transformation. This can be a scary and exciting time. You may not even know what is coming next, but you’ll be eager to find out. Spend time getting to know the new you. How are you different? How are you the same? What effect will these changes have on your life? What excites you the most? What frightens you or makes you nervous? One of the dangers of this period is the desire to stay within your metaphorical cocoon. It is, after all, a safe place. And who knows what life as the new you is going to be like. There is always a bit of stress with anything new. That’s all natural, but don’t let it stop you. Like the Gothic Rose’s moth, reveal your beautiful, new self, and fly toward the light!”

Today’s message is from Enchanted Oracle by Barbara Moore with art by Jessica Galbreth.

Spirit Message of the Day – Intuitive Intelligence with Feminine Charm

“In ancient Rome, Diana was honored as the goddess of wild animals, hunting, and the moon which represents femininity, intuition, and emotion. The changing moon reflects the cycles of nature; its light influences all growing things –plants, animals, and humans alike — for better and for worse. Diana reminds us of our connection to these cycles and that like that look the moon itself, what is empty will, in time, become full if we are patient.”

“Worship of Diana extended across Europe from Rome, and she was still believed to rule the wild forests until the Middle Ages. Then, many people forgot that she was a goddess; they called her queen of the witches instead. They had forgotten that Diana symbolized the divine feminine’s ability to provide nurturing for all of its creatures, great and small.”

Message from The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr.

Pay attention to any intense emotions which may arise for you including any vivid or lucid dreams. If you find yourself in a heated discussion or emotional situation today, approach it with an open, kind, and intuitive nature to seek a deeper understanding and see the truth.  Apply your nurturing ability with a soft, caring, feminine touch. Aim to see this as a great opportunity to work on your relationship with aspects which truly allow you feel nurtured. See the goddess Diana in every woman you come into contact with today. Try asking for the support or advice of a caring woman. Recognize that which may seem emotionally empty and void in the moment is merely a positive opportunity to see it full again with new eyes in the near future.

Also known as Artemis to the Greeks, Diana was the virgin goddess of the hunt, the mistress of wild animals, and the caretaker of pregnant women, children, and servants/slaves. It is important to note that in ancient times the term virgin was used to describe a woman who was unmarried or did not “belong” to a man. Diana’s counterpart, Artemis, was known to have love interests, the most famous one being Orion the Hunter. This is the archetypical energy of the self-confident, free spirit that was often culturally removed from the role of women throughout history. It is in these times of expansive and rising vibrational energies that women are reclaiming the forgotten power within themselves, the huntress, wild and free. Both Diana and Artemis aim to provide helpful energetic support for women seeking to stand stronger in their personal power and independence.

“Diana is the most popular of the Wiccan goddesses, for several reasons. First of all is familiarity. Diana has remained popular throughout the centuries as a symbol of classical antiquity. In the Romantic period, when paganism saw its first revival, both Diana and Artemis quickly came to the forefront as goddesses of the wild and woodlands – perhaps the most important aspect of paganism to the Romantic poets.

Second, she is one of the few pagan gods to be mentioned by name by witch-hunters – which is not to say that anyone was actually worshipping her, but she was at least remembered and perhaps named upon magical amulets.

The third reason is Aradia: Gospel of the Witches by Charles Leland. Published in 1899, this book claims to contain the beliefs and mythology of a group of contemporary Italian witches. A ccording to Leland, Aradia is the daughter of Diana and Lucifer (who closely resembles Apollo in this story, not the Biblical, demonic Lucifer), sent by Diana to earth to instruct the first witches in their craft so that they could rise up against their oppressive lords. Little evidence has ever come to light regarding the existence of these witches, much less the historicalness of their existence. Nevertheless, Aradia intrinsically linked witches and Diana.

Diana is often viewed as a Triple Goddess – maiden, protector, hunter/destroyer. Alternatively, she is assigned as the Maiden aspect, often in tandem with Selene as Mother and Hecate as Crone. Ancient myths refer to Diana as being aspects of these other two goddesses, and of these goddesses being aspects of her.

Goddess of the Moon – Selene was the original moon goddess, but later mythologies substitute Diana, just as her twin brother Apollo later took the place of Helios the sun. Association with the moon frequently grants Triple Goddess imagery.

Goddess of the Hunt and of Vengeance – Diana was an extraordinary huntress, and the bow is a frequent symbol of hers. She can also be a jealous goddess. She and her brother Apollo slew all 12 children of Niobe when Niobe directed her followers to worship her instead of their mother Leto on account of the fact that Niobe had more children th an Leto. She also slew Orion when he fell in love with Aurora, to whom he was already dedicated.

Goddess of the Woodland and Wild – This is a more Romantic association, but it stems from her position as a huntress: hunter and hunted frequently go hand in hand. She is a protectress, particularly of beasts and a forest guardian, as well as a goddess of fertility and childbirth, which is a natural extension of nature goddesses. As a goddess of the wild and of the open sky, she stands for independence and freedom, especially from the confines of society and from patriarchy.

Goddess of Female Sovereignty – The moon is perhaps our most universal feminine symbol. Women and the moon go hand in hand. Diana is also the eternal virgin, with complete control over her own body and destiny. A hunter who happened across her bathing was transformed into a stag for merely seeing her naked.

Goddess of Magic – This stems particularly from Aradia, in which claims the witches as her own, and therefore makes her their patron goddess. Association with Hecate, the Greeks’ ultimate goddess of witchcraft, solidifies this view. The moon is also frequently tied to magic.

Goddess of Childbirth – Diana caused her mother no pain when she was delivered. She then turned around and assisted her mother in the birth of her twin, Apollo. She is invoked to bring about a swift birth, or else a quick death if a mother is dying in childbirth.”

Excerpt taken from http://wicca.timerift.net/gods/diana.html