Spirit Message of the Day – Justice Will Prevail

“Know you this: that whatsoever you send out, you attract back to the power of three. Intent has energy, as do thoughts, feelings and emotions, and once released, this vibrational thought-field radiates out and attracts back to you that which was sent out. This is the Law of the Threefold Return, an ancient Law that the wise ones have known of for many a year, though many of the humans have refused to listen to its wisdom.”

“So, if you cry out an injustice, and if you are in pain, you must clear the reasons these manifestations of the Law were brought to you, were drawn to you, by you. As you think, so you will live. As you do, others will do unto you. this is the magickal law.”

“Do not be afraid of this truth: see it as a source of freedom. There is no blame in this karmic truth, for all that you send out will return. There is no other place for it to go. Your own underworld initiation is ending soon, and the dark will soon come to be but a place of rest, release, wisdom and deep, ancient knowledge. The Law is the Law. And the Lady’s Law is love unto all. Follow this, and the Threefold Return will work its magicks.”

“Do you not know the truth? Your own underworld is not hell, but your dark time is the cauldron of your experience, your growth, your understanding, your knowledge. Now you have the knowledge of the Law will you work with it, knowing it to be the truth?”

“The Lady Alfreda is a Dragonfae-being of wise counsel. She is sister to Melusine, and as such, she understands emotions and water as energies. But her being is about the Law, understanding the Law, and reminding us all that the process of natural Law has its place in all of our lives, throughout all of our lifetimes. She bring justice, and is a karmic ramifications of actions and thoughts, emotions and words, will be felt by all. Do not fear. Know that this draws one phase to a final close, at last.”

“It is time to get real and own what you have previously blamed on others. This does not mean blaming yourself. Instead, work on shifting your own karmic residue (Dragonfae are wonderful at this!) and understanding the connections between what you have sent out and what you have created. Issues of law, justice and karma. Fearful thoughts around what you see to be the darkness or black magick, not understanding just how the natural Law works, thus this card asks you to look to your own intent. Clear your space; work with your own dark times to understand the lessons. Make friends with your shadow and thank it for the lessons.”

“Make decisions, act in integrity, and keep your word. Be honest and upfront, and expect that from others. You do not need to play games, or be deceived anymore if someone has not acted with integrity. Know that you do not need to act, as the natural laws of this Lady of the Dragonfae will take over, and justice will be realised in due course. Your role is to act with honor, nobility and truth, and keep to that course. Take action regarding matters that must be put to rights. Justice will prevail.”

Today’s guidance is by Lucy Cavendish Oracle of the Dragonfae

Email me at angelsoulstorms@gmail.com

Website: http://www.angelsoulstorms.com

My other blog: www.spiritbloggerkids.wordpress.com


Spirit Message of the Day – A Brilliant Solution Within

“A brilliant solution is on its way. At present, you are confronted with a challenging situation, which feels almost as if it will overwhelm you. The might of the challenge is not truly as it seems, because within you are clever and indeed brilliant solutions to this dilemma. They reside within your mind and in your ability to stay calm under duress.”

Do not allow yourself to be bullied by someone or something that seems so much more powerful than you. Keep a cool head and plan your strategy. You have formidable resources in the intellect you have been given, in the power of your mind and imagination. Explore yourself, and truly think your way out of this one. You have powerful allies who will assist you, and your intelligence and your brilliance are here to be worked with. You currently have all you need in order to overcome this challenge: this obstacle is one you can easily disarm.”

“Be calm, center yourself, and allow the solutions to filter through from your higher intelligence. You have a beautiful and brilliant light inside of your mind, and as you shine it more and more brightly, this situation that seems so troublesome will soon fade away. You have brilliance. You have intelligence. Believe in your gifts and your ability, and use them, now.”

“Oonagh is physically and mentally divine – incredibly beautiful, but she is also a very practical Dragonfae queen, who created a beautiful, blessed court where all could create and become who they most truly are. She is very practical and clever – she comes up with diplomatic and brilliant ways of protecting those she loves. The strong hunters and warriors rely on her advice and always take it because of its subtle brilliance – and through taking her advice, they always bloodlessly vanquish those who would harm them, and have plenty for the tribe. She disarms rather than destroys.”

“There is a practical approach to a seemingly unsolvable problem; if you take this tact, it will have fantastic results. Be innovative and clever. Put your own needs first. There is a way out, and it involves using your wits and wiles. Brainstorm solutions – get really creative. Think of the different talents that you have, and think of how to present yourself in order to outwit someone who wishes to take advantage of you. Do not feel that because you are a gentle and beautiful person that you cannot give as good as you get, and better! You can indeed outwit this foe – using distraction and ingenuity, you will defeat the threat at hand and win with integrity!”

Todays message is from Oracle of the Dragonfae by Lucy Cavendish.

Click here to read my other Blog: Spiritblogger for KIDS! (and adults alike)


Spirit Message of the Day – Remember, We Are One

Brigid speaks: “We are the fae, and the dragon. We are the blood of the ancients and the blood of the star-seekers, woven till indivisible, yet each strand working its magick. We are enchanted and practical. We are mothers, daughters, fathers, and sons. You are the wise woman, the crone, the hag, the maiden, the light-footed innocent, the courageous mother bringing forth life from her womb. We are born into blood, and this blood within us is of our ancestors.”

“Our ancestors know that our bloods have mingled many times and that those of us who seek to distinguish ourselves from each other know not the truth. I am One. You are Me. I am You. We are One. That is the truth of the nature within you. Find the magick of the knowing. Find that which you fear and know it within your own blood and heartbeat. For that is the way to conquer all fear, all ignorance and all separation from the Mother. You are Her. She is You. And she is within you and will remain with you forever. There is nothing beyond her, and to deny her now is to deny what you are. I am Dragon. I am Fae. I am Goddess. I am human. I am all there is, and there is all in me – just as there is all in you. See this, and cease to seek separation.”

“Finding the common areas between yourself and another very different person. Understanding that aging is part of the human process. Moving beyond conditioned fears. Understanding the truth of the other, having compassion and respect for difference, understanding of soul truths, great love. Women having children and mother issues all come up with this card makes her gracious presence felt. Work with candles, flames and keep the light going in your life. Reduce the artificial light in your life and increase the sun and moonlight, the starlight, the light from flame and candlelight. Be sure to strive for justice, as Brigid ensures that what is right and fair will indeed take place. Make an offering at a waterway (the sea, a well, a lake, or a river).”

“Brigid is the great Irish Celtic triple Goddess, mother of all, Goddess of the forge, of birth, of the hearth and home, and of sacred wells and waters. Transformed by the church into a christian saint, she pre-dates her saint counterpart by some 4,000 years. She is a well of kindness and strength, the patroness of those who are going through any form of struggle to be born into another time in their lives. She carries a sword and knows that this time will be eased if you hold onto hope, and understand that this is an experience that all beings endure…but it will not last. So do not struggle, because the light is in sight and it will be warm and safe and good very soon, and you will be better off for having known the hardship you are currently experiencing.”

Today’s special message is from Oracle of the Dragonfae by Lucy Cavendish.

Click here to read  Spirit Message of the Day for Kids for Ideas to Celebrate Winter Solstice 2011 with your family. 

Spirit Message of the Day – A Time to Express and Share

“Allow your true self to shine because you’re Awesome! You drew this card because you sometimes worry about social acceptance. The fairies want you to take time to celebrate your uniqueness, since to them you’re delightful and perfect just as you are right now. The fairies love your ideas, your creativity, and they urge you to just be your authentic self. Don’t squelch your true self to gain others’ approval. Pretending doesn’t ever work anyway, and you can’t please everyone. Instead, enjoy being authentic and trust that like-minded people will be attracted to you wherever you go, whatever you do. Perhaps it is time to express your creativity through an artistic project or new business idea, or dress in a way that makes you feel happy.  Trust and follow through with  your creative ideas, dreams, and visions and speak your truth.”

Today’s guidance is from Magical Messages from the Fairies by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

Spirit Message of the Day – Summon Strength for Change

“The Phoenix appears as your Ally to celebrate your journey and to ensure your ultimate success. This is true even if it appears that you’ve just passed through a metaphorical experience of death or are currently enduring a perception of failure in your life. Death and rebirth are related when you enter the realm of the Phoenix. Seen in this light, nothing truly dies, but rather changes from one ending directly into new beginnings. The Phoenix is constantly reinventing itself and rises up whole and new and even more powerful with every death it experiences. This could signal an end of a relationship – or of a dynamic within one – or an end of a job, a project, or even a life.”

“Perhaps no failure is involved, but it’s time for a complete overhaul of your circumstances. You may be tired of what you’re doing, or you may know intuitively that it’s time to move on and try something new. Whatever the case, a death of the old and a celebration of new life are called for! Whatever you do now will indeed be a successful endeavor, for a rebirth is imminent!”

“When the Phoenix challenges you,, it’s really just a gentle reminder to let go and let what doesn’t work fall away. Maybe you’re not allowing things to change because you’re more comfortable with the familiar, even if you know it’s not the best you could create for yourself. Fear of change is a crippling experience, as it works against Nature itself.”

“The task at hand is to allow for an ending, as it’s timely and right that you do so for the highest good of all. In surrendering to the fundamental purposeful change, you will most definitely find yourself in better circumstances. The action needed is allowing. A rebirth is assured.” Summon strength and courage and embrace inevitable change.

Today’s message is from Wisdom of the Hidden Realms by Colette Baron-Reid.


Spirit Message of the Day – Life Is Abundant and Full of Blessings

“When the hungry ghosts appear on your path, they may not at first seem like Allies because they represent your constant focus on the past and the consuming desire to know the future, which rob you of your true present. But, in fact, they are here in the service of alerting you to obsessive thinking and addictions: they’re masters at magnifying repetitive behaviors.”

“The message is for you to examine whether you’re doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result. ‘This time will be different’ and ‘I have control over this’ are false statements and a sign of deep denial of the truth. Now is the time to let go of that thinking. Surrender your will, your life, your heart’s desires, and all that pains you to the Divine. Order will be restored in your world.”

“The Hungry Ghosts also bring understanding about the distractions of life that seduce you into forgetting what you really desire. They’re asking you to become aware of what others want and what the culture dictates will make you happy may not be what’s best for you. Don’t get caught up in outside appearances. All that glitters may not be gold – at least not for you. Look beyond the veneer and you will find the true substance in your life. You deserve nothing less.”

“When the Hungry Ghosts come to challenge, it’s a sign that you’ve succumbed to the fear of lack, which is whispering in your ear that you’ll fail. Whatever it is you’ve intended, you’ve stayed too long in the desiring stage. Longing and yearning have become  your constant state of mind. Are you comparing your experience with others? Do you envy their success? Do you judge yourself only on your material accomplishments? Are you afraid that there will never be enough of anything and none of your dreams will be there upon awaking in reality? Perhaps you’ve turned to compulsive eating, shopping, working, or drinking to distract yourself.”

“Let go of the illusion of lack, and accept things as they are: perfect, abundant, meaningful expressions of the Divine. There will never be enough for the Hungry Ghosts that challenge you, for the only experience they know is scarcity. It’s not your job to feed them. They will lose their power to haunt you. Trust in the abundance of Spirit.”

Today’s guidance is from Wisdom of the Hidden Realms by Colette Baron-Reid.

To learn more about Spiritblogger visit: www.angelsoulstorms.com

Spirit Message of the Day – A Gift of Grace, A Time for Gratitude

“Think about the people and things you feel grateful for. Gratitude warms your heart with good feelings that are healthy for your mind and body. You can make yourself feel better by making a list of everything and everyone you’re thankful for. Gratitude replaces sadness, and makes everything go better. Gratitude is such a powerful way to make your life better that it’s almost magical! Everyone loves a thankful person. They want to be friends with, give to, and help a person who says ‘Thank You’. When you say ‘thank you’ and really mean it, you find more reasons to feel gratitude.”

“People who aren’t grateful or who have self-pity actually make themselves sad. They can’t understand why other people avoid them, and why they don’t receive many gifts. They take away their own power because they believe that life doesn’t give them much. But if you count your blessings and think about all the reasons you have to feel grateful, then you’ll see how generous life really is. The more you believe that ‘life gives me lots of gifts’, the more you’ll receive. Then you’ll want to give to others, too. To get more out of life, stop and feel grateful for all that you’ve received so far. Then, get ready to feel gratitude for countless blessings that are coming to you now!”

Doreen Virtue, PHD. Magickal Unicorn Oracle Cards.

“Prosperity is an attitude and a perspective. What you value, what thoughts you think and beliefs you hold, will determine the riches in your life. Goodies are born out of the seeds of gratitude. The new shape of wealth is hidden in our intentions and the actions we take to manifest them.”

-Colette Baron-Reid. Excerpt taken from article The Desire For Security.

Spirit Message of the Day – Cultivate Your Garden for Growth

“See how my garden has grown about me? See how my children, the darling buds, clamour for my attention? They cry at night and can be so touchy during the day! I must shelter them from harshness and keep them in a safe place, till they are strong enough to branch out…even then, my watchful eye will look out for their care.”

“You see, so many people see the beauty, and do not understand where it sprang from; the rich, loamy soil. The sweet water poured from the water Dragonfae into the earth, the minerals of the natural realms, the light of the Sun and the shining sweetness of the crystal moon have all anointed my garden with their blessings.”

“And then there is me. So many see my garden, and wonder at it, but they do not see the work and the care that has preceded my domain. Its beauty is a result of love, care, natural growth and attention to each and every one of its inhabitants. When your growth appears around you, from the seeds you have planted, take time to tend this garden. Enlist the assistance of like-minded souls, as just as you would not feed these tender buds poisons and pollutants, do not feed your ideas the opinions and energies of those who are not in integrity.”

“Stay true to the vision of your creation and truly take a little time each day to tend this garden, be it of love, ideas, little ones or creative endeavors, until they are robust and begin to grow into their own energy. For now, it is the tender time, the time when the buds are at most risk from the frost of rejection, the poison of judgement, and the choke of cruelty. Be vigilant, and you too will have a garden for all to enjoy and love. Many will feel you are fortunate indeed to have created such a beautiful Eden, but they will not see the care you have taken to grow this. But I have seen. I have seen it all.”

“She is the Dragonfae being who cares for all new tender growth – including yours. Whisper to her your dreams and ideas, plant your seeds, and watch them grow. She waters her plants each day, clears the dead wood from the garden, ensures that all has sufficient water and that the soil in which all is planted is rich and fertile. Start from these basics and you too will have a wonderful experience.”

“Allow the Lady of the New Buds to inspire you with care for your own budding projects, beings, loves and responsibilities. In this way, you too will grow a secret and sometimes very public garden, which creates more and more beauty in the world. And you will know that caring for the tender bud creates long-lasting beauty and joy for the senses – a treasure for Gaia to cherish.”

“An affinity with flowers and gardens. Projects need tending. Care every day for small matters, and the large matters will care for themselves. Resisting change is resisting the life force itself. Look at everything in nature. The seed does not remain a seed. The seedling grows. The tree seems unrelated to its origins, but at the moment, by holding on tight to the person you believe you must be, you are running the risk of denying your own life force. Change is positive. Stasis, as a resting point, can work well. As a life choice, it can be a kind of slow death.”

“The emergence will come at the right time, because the bud will be forced to flower at some stage –do not allow yourself to wither in your growth. Divine guidance needs practical application and work. Action teamed with inspiration will create a beautiful, bountiful paradise. Work hard at what it is you love.”

“Herb lore, flower readings, growing a new garden with magickal and symbolic meaning, coming up with a daily routine to nurture and grow your new projects, flower essences, essential oils. Accepting compliments for hard work, knowing your efforts have come to fruition and accepting that you have been a driving force in a beautiful achievement.”

Today’s special message is from Oracle of the Dragonfae by Lucy Cavendish.

To learn more about Spiritblogger – visit www.angelsoulstorms.com

Spirit Message of the Day – Pay Close Attention

“As an Ally, The Hawk Prince appears with good news: He flies into your life to alert you that a message is coming to help you manifest your destiny! Expect a phone call, letter, email, or conversation that lets you know the next step to take toward your greatest good, or to tell you that you’ve arrived at an important stage along your path.”

“The Hawk Prince is also the Ally for spirit communication, so pay attention when you think you hear something important pop out at you on the radio, on TV, or in overhearing the conversations of strangers. Spirit is constantly in dialogue with you. Are you listening? Stay open and expect Spirit to speak to you and show you the way to your prosperity in all aspects of your life.”

“As a Challenger, The Hawk Prince challenges you to pay attention and listen to the warnings being sent your way. Are you pushing forward in spite of others’ cautionings about the direction your headed? Are you refusing to listen to your own inner voice? Red flags are waving in the breeze, and you’re being challenged to heed their message. When the Hawk Prince descends as your challenger, it’s an indication that something isn’t quite right. Don’t worry, though; he always arrives just in time for you to let go of your old ideas and begin again. Spirit only wants the best for you!”

Today’s message is from Wisdom of the Hidden Realms by Colette Baron-Reid.

Click here to book your personal SpiritBlogger Reading.

Spirit Message of the Day – Share Your Joy

Lady Titania asks you to “Celebrate yourself! There is no true happiness without joy in being who you are. Over this next moon cycle, the forthcoming 29 days, many opportunities will come to you to play, revel, dance, and explore the moonlit and joyful part of yourself that has been truly too long neglected! It is time to come forth from the place where you have been taking shelter and quiet time, and partake of the joy of good sweet company. Know that everyone, including the beings of the Dragonfae, is delighted and happy to know of your ability to delight your own self. Celebrate, and we celebrate with you. Hail, joyful kindred spirit and be welcome to the feast!”

“Fairy Queen Titania’s name means, literally, daughter of the Titans. The Titans were the elder gods who were the children of Heaven and Earth, and sprang from chaos, along with the Dragonfae, who were also born of the Divine. They included Saturn, Rhea, Oceanus, Hyperion, and others. In Ovid’s Metaphorphoses Titania is another name for Diana, as well as other goddesses of the night, queens of the shadowy world, ruling over its mystic elements and powers. So, there is no separation: the titans are the goddesses, and the goddesses are the Dragonfae.”

“Like Isis, who personified the feminine, generative principle of universal nature, Diana and the others are all nature goddesses. So, rather than being a diminutive creature of delicacy and daintiness, Titania is tall, very powerful and very strong. She is of the elfin race where the height and the features are very pronounced, with enough Dragonfae blood in her veins to ensure she is a creature who can fly, and endure for many millennia. She is one of the oldest ones still with us, and yet her path for this time, and for you, is to help to celebrate with others the joy of being alive. Just as you are feeling old, despairing and fatigued, she will sweep you up in her strong arms, show you the treasures of your life and lay out a feast for you to partake in with others of your kind. Because being lonely and isolated is no longer an option for you.”

“Bringing people together in life-changing, sacred and meaningful gatherings; mothering others joyously; being greater than you appear to be; understanding the need for joy and happiness and gatherings that delight in the company of soul mates; family agreements and pacts that are reinforced through celebration; coming together in community with friends. Finding your soul family. Being protected and nurtured by friends and soul-family.”

“Connecting with others at gatherings, even if they are very small, consider hosting gatherings of like-minded souls; be prepared to balance your inner extrovert and introvert; understand that the need for family, connection, and for you to nurture those connections. Very very deep connections with others can still be playful!”

Today’s message is from Oracle of the Dragonfae by Lucy Cavendish.

To contact Spiritblogger please email angelsoulstorms@gmail.com