Spirit Message of the Day – Happy New Year 2011 – A New Way of Being

“The delicious, rich summer vision of the dewy Buttercup is a perfect reflection of a higher power at work. The dazzling sight of a field of Buttercups is heartwarming and joyful and an opportunity to connect with spirit and feel the inter-connectedness of all life. It is with this passion and expansive quality that the Buttercup flower spirit delivers its message to us.”

“If we enhance our daily lives with the belief that we are blessed, and take time to give thanks and gratitude, then we can transmute the effect of anything negative. Take a few moments before you go to sleep to run back through your day and give thanks for all your experiences. This encourages a positive outlook, even in difficult times. It also removes any tendency to become a victim and transforms our self-worth, making us believe that only good things can happen to us.”

“Although we often look to other people to solve our problems, all the answers we ever need are within us – it is just that often we simply don’t know how to reach them. The sublime Buttercup spirit calls you to participate in a new way of being. Interconnectedness with spirit will reveal a new world of peace and contentment. The more we practice feeling connected to Source within ourselves and give thanks, the easier life becomes. Melt into the soft pleasure of the beautific Buttercup flower spirit and give thanks for just being.”

Today’s guidance is from Flower Spirit Cards by Melanie Eclare.

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