Spirit Message of the Moment – Happy New Year 2014


HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014 Spirit Friends

Thank you so much for all your support, light, and great comments on both my blog and Facebook page this past year! I’ve so enjoyed the last four and a half years writing this blog and sharing readings with you of some of my favorite or405368_10150500037554734_1317162623_nacle systems with you; I am so pleased it resonates with where you find yourself – at that exact moment in time. Here’s to a beautiful new year for you – full of intuition, infinite possibilities, adventures, laughter, abundance, and joy. Unlimited happiness is waiting for us today, we just have to open the door to let it into our lives.

My advice for the new calendar year? Take time to dream – and Dream BIG. Then Dream even Bigger than that! Go ahead and surprise yourself and take the chance; you’re worth it. Life always gives us the opportunity to change, expand, and grow into who we want to be; whether reinventing ourselves and rebuilheartart2ding our lives, or simply being brave enough to let our light shine with others and proudly shine it into the world at large. Here’s to letting your light shine – and Bright! May you find inspiration everywhere you travel, with whomever you meet. May you use your intuition and spiritual instincts to discover new passions (and remember old ones), find ways to help heal hearts (even if it’s only your own), and invent countless ways to add something of good spiritual value to the world. May you live your life with a full heart and your time for learning, change, and growth never end. Wishing you much love and light for a great new year for 2014.
Bright Blessings to You,


MESSAGE FOR YOU – Endurance – Keep Going! 
“When a long journey begins, or when a quest is undertaken, be it a pilgrimage, or an ambition or a desire, or a dream that you wish to create in this earthworld you live within, human one, there is the excitement of the beginning…the unknown still lies before you. And it is a th5391_369223603191483_1899532215_nrill, every moment, to take another step forward. But at some stage, just as we tire, you too tire. The terrain can become unfamiliar. Issues arise, challenges greet you, and at this point, too many of you feel that this must Not be meant for you – for you have told yourself that if it is truly meant to be, it will be simple, it will flow, and it will be…well easy.

We are here to share that for all creatures, and in both the seen and unseen worlds, there are parts of the great journey that require our stamina, our courage and our endurance – our ability to commit, and to stay with the task and dream and promise until we have made it. Do not enter into agreements lightly – enter into them, if at all, wholeheartedly. And be prepar66200_294003430716354_40209912_ned to develop your strength and tenacity, your courage and your honor along the way.

Without what you describe as a challenge, there will be no growth. If you work through and into and with the challenges, you will emerge stronger, and more able to realize the next dream. Flee at the first sign of difficulty, and you will be what we call a shore-hugger – one who never goes deep, who only goes to the places they know. There may be nothing wrong with this. But if this card has come to you, you have sent out the request to the great ocean mother to go on this great journey, to take on a mission. And the time has come for you to build up your endurance. Commit. Practice. Train!

We do, although most often you will only hear tales of our beauty and vanity. How else do we live so well within the great power of the ocean? The answer for us, and for you, is that we develop our power – and we endure, when others would give in or turn away. We are stronger than that. 399864_422942047801829_2145979321_nAnd so are you!

You may believe you are weak, or physically unable to complete a task. You may have committed to believing that there is no way your strength can increase. It is not always about your physicality – so often, it is the amazing endurance of Spirit and your soul and your creative force that requires the ability to go that little bit further, to reach a little harder, to extend yourself, to go well beyond a comfort zone. You may also believe that to become more aligned, powerful and strong physically is to weaken the intuitive self. But this is not the case.

Like these mermaids, you are reaching an important stage of your journey, and it is essential that you continue. There will be times when you feel you have had enough and you wish to suddenly stop moving…to sink, rather than to swim. 1394051_1391520577756380_2015272875_nBut the mermaids are here to ask you to continue to swim, tired though you may be, full of doubt you may be. The second part of your strength is readying itself, and will come through, just at the point you are ready to give up. Keep going. And you will go so much further than you currently believe you can! This is not the time to run back, or to allow the waters to take you! This is the time to continue the journey you committed to – because you are being tested, and you can pass this test. But you must keep going. Eyes forward. Intention focused. Purpose clear! Re-commit! And keep going.”

Oracle of the Mermaids by Lucy Cavendish




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  1. Dear Angela,
    Thank you for this lovely uplifting mermaid reading for 2014.
    The mermaid images you chose are quite lovely and ones I have not seen before. I do not believe they are contained within the oracle of mermaids deck. I am particularly drawn to the 3rd image of the mermaid kissing the ocean surface from underneath. Do you have any information on this image? (Artist, where found, can it be ordered as a wall print?)
    I hope your year is going swimmingly!
    Bright blessings to you also,

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