Spirit Message of the Day – Live Life With a Full Heart

“This exquisite, celestial flower appears to be floating above the earth; it represents expansion. Our hearts and souls are capable of opening to incredible depths of love, yet many of us spend our lives resisting this potential. The Cranesbill flower spirit invites you to honor your own expansive nature and to feel the depths of liberation and joy that living a life through love will bring.”

“To access this expansion, choose some music that enhances a feeling of openness in you – uplifting, joyful singing or soulful, moving music. Sit quietly and listen, and imagine your heart softening and expanding. Feel the tension melt away and lead you deeper into a silent reverie. Sense the love you feel for all those closest to you and experience a sense of expansion in your whole body, your heart and soul. Stay with these blissful feelings of love and let them grow and fill your being.”

“In this moment you are connected with Source and angelic beings will surround you. Know that you are always connected with the Creator and that this expansion is part of your own bliss; once you know how, it can be accessed so simply. From this perspective, all else is released – negativity, fears, anger, troubles and difficulties. in this place of love and expansion, the bigger picture becomes clear and your true purpose becomes part of your awareness. Cherish these feelings and tap back into them whenever you can, learning to live your through this openness and love.”

Today’s guidance or every day living is from Melanie Eclare’s Flower Spirit Cards.

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